
‘O Rom – Shukar drom

‘O Rom – Shukar drom

According to their website, "The key idea [of 'O Rom's music] is to blend traditional Neapolitan and Southern Italian music with Balkan music and traditional Romani and Gypsy music. Shukar Drom is featured on the soundtrack of Silvia Brunelli's La Santa Piccola, which was nominated for the Queer Lion Award at the 2021 Venice International Film Festival.
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Maldestro – Abbi cura di te

Maldestro – Abbi cura di te

Antonio Prestieri (professionally known as Maldestro) is both a playwright and a musician.  This song is from his second studio album 'I muri di Berlino'.Maldestro's second album 'Non trovo le parole' won second prize for Best Debut Album at the prestigious Targa Tenco awards.Maldestro's single 'Canzone per Federica' has won numerous awards, including finishing second amongst newcomers at the Sanremo Music Festival.
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Tommaso Primo – Gioia feat. Ismael

Tommaso Primo – Gioia feat. Ismael

According to Italian World Beat, "His music is a sort of odd ethnic cartoon, a concrete manga, a melody suspended between Vesuvius and Brazil. The rhythms of bossa nova and samba slip between Neapolitan dark alleys and sunny waterfronts".
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Enzo Gragnaniello – Povero munno

Enzo Gragnaniello – Povero munno

Gragnaniello, who was born in the Quartieri Spagnoli, has been making music for a very long time. He starting playing guitar when he was 12 and the first band he formed was called Banchi Nuovi, which was named after the Committee of unemployed people to which he belonged.Gragnaniello is famous in his own right, but some of his best songs are ones that he wrote for others, like Cu’umme, which was recorded by Roberto Murolo and Mia Martini.The multi-talented Gragnaniello is also a composer of musical scores, plays and films. He has also composed songs for some pretty heavy hitters,…
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Tartaglia Aneuro – Ne riderai

Tartaglia Aneuro – Ne riderai

The opening scene of the video is a tribute to Jorit’s painting of Sibilla Cumana. Andrea Tartaglia is a wildly talented artist.  In 2016 he collaborated with Daniele Sepe to produce Le Range Fellon.  For Tartaglia, le range fellon is “a small member of nature who shows his point of view on the mistreatment we reserve for nature.”In 2022, Tartaglia and Sepe released an updated, post-covid reggae version of the song entitled “Il Ritorno de Le Range Fellon.”
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24 Grana – Accireme

24 Grana – Accireme

This song was part of 5th Studio Album, Ghostwriters, released in 2008. After their 6th album was released in 2011, frontman Francesco Di Bella left the band to pursue a solo career. After producing 4 solo albums, 24 Grana reunited in 2020 to record La Raccolta featuring Clementino.
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Luca Rossi – Quanno nascette Ninno

Luca Rossi – Quanno nascette Ninno

In her article titled Luca Rossi, "ambassador" of the tammorra in the world for, Sabrino Cozzolino talks about Rossi's career, including:how he shares Campano music with the world;his first album (Pulecenella Love), which was nominated for the Tenco Award;his second album (Greetings from Fireland); andhis book, which became a play.
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Fede ‘n’ Marlen – Fragile

Fede ‘n’ Marlen – Fragile

Federica Ottombrino and Marilena Vitale (aka Fede 'n' Marlen) are Napulitan artists who write and sing in Italian, Napulitan, French and Spanish. Their songs address migrants, LGBTQ+ rights and human ties. Their second studio album, Terra di Madonne, was released just this week! The title is an explicit reference to Napoli.
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