On Thursday, Lega Serie A issued Official Communication No. 54 for the 6th round of matches of the 2023/24 Serie A campaign contested between the 26th and 27th of September. These are the words of Sports Judge Gerardo Mastandrea, assisted by Stefania Ginesio and by representative of the AIA Carlo Moretti:
“The sports judge, given that during the matches played during the first leg of the sixth round, supporters of Lazio, Napoli and Salernitana, in violation of the regulations referred to in art. 25 paragraph 3 CGS, introduced into the sports facility and used exclusively in its sector, pyrotechnic material of various kinds (firecrackers, smoke bombs and flares);
consider that the circumstances referred to in the art. 29, paragraph 1, letter. a), b) and d) CGS,
except as specified below, not to adopt sanctioning measures against the Companies referred to in the introduction regarding the behavior of their supporters.
Fine of €10,000: to the Napoli, for its supporters, during the first half, directing a laser beam in the direction of the opposing team’s goalkeeper. After having broadcast the anti-violence announcement, in the 10th minute of the second half, it was directed again into the confronts the opposing team’s goalkeeper with a laser beam; attenuated sanction pursuant to art. 29, paragraph 1 letter. b) CGS”